Water Testing – Maine Child Care Providers | New Policies in 2017
New Rules for Maine Family Child Care Providers, pertaining to required annual water testing procedures, go into effect on January 1st, 2017.
According to the current Rules for Family Child Care Providers, licenced Maine child care providers and daycares, who’s drinking water comes from a private drinking water source (such as private well), are required to provide the state with both annual and 5 year testing verifications.
The following guidelines, under the heading of private wells are listed on page 7 of the current Rules book:
Private water. If the home’s water does not come from an approved public water supply, the certificate holder shall get the water tested each year by the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Engineering, or another approved laboratory as follows:
Annually, water shall be tested for, at least, the following: coliform bacteria, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen.
Once every five (5) years, water shall be tested for, at least the following: coliform bacteria, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen, fluoride, chloride, hardness, copper, iron, pH, manganese, uranium, and arsenic. If a satisfactory supply cannot be provided, a certificate or renewal of a certificate cannot be issued.
Previously The Department of Health and Human Services assisted child care providers by ordering water test kids for providers at the time of application and renewal. As of of January 1st, 2017, new changes will go into effect.
Under the new rules each child care provider will be responsible for ordering the appropriate water test kit from a state certified laboratory of their choosing.
If you are testing your own water and looking for a state certified testing facility you can visit the State’s list of Certified Water Testing Laboratories.
If you are more comfortable having 3rd party performing water testing for you, please contact our offices at (207) 675-3272.
Ward Water can assist you with any testing or treatment related questions you might have or we can set up a convenient time to come to your home or facility and take care of the testing for you.